Before I was able to hold my own C64 breadbox in my hands in 1985, I had already read several issues of the now legendary 64’er magazine from the Markt&Technik publishing house in Germany. March 20, 2024 marked the 40th anniversary of the publication of the first issue: Congratulations to one of the formative magazines of my youth!
And now, after 40 years, the first issues from back then are being published again. This time, however – in keeping with the times – online on the Internet and as a PDF download.
This is sure to bring back memories for some of us! In our youth, TV programs, books and, above all, magazines were the only way to find out about the new, exciting technology of home computers. In the 1980s, news was either exchanged in the school playground or obtained from computer magazines. Unimaginable today, where information and answers to questions are usually just a click away!
The 64’er magazine was not the first and only magazine at the time that was all about home computers, but it was certainly one of the most popular in the German-speaking world. After all, the Commodore C64 was and still is the most widely used home computer. In fact, I still have all my (few) collected magazines at home. Leafing through them is still fun and sometimes I even try out one or two tips from them again.

The program listings for typing are legendary, for example. You couldn’t get new software more cheaply, but also more difficult! I’ve heard that people actually did this – I always found the effort too much. But I loved the “Tips & Tricks” (yes, back then they still spelled Tip with one P :), which I often liked to try out myself. I was able to teach myself a lot of programming tricks or unlock hidden functions with PEEKs & POKEs.

The editorial team offered small prizes for the listing and application of the month, which were published exclusively in the magazine. Sometimes this was even the starting signal for a career, such as that of Chris Hülsbeck. He later became known worldwide for his 8-bit music and sound compositions for legendary games such as Bad Cat, To Be On Top or The Great Giana Sisters. Among other things, he wrote a sound monitor for the 64’er magazine.
Would you like to browse through the old magazines again? Michael Steil is currently resurrecting the 64’er magazine as an art project on github and at I think it’s a great idea, especially for those who have long since disposed of their original magazines.
On the imprint page, reactions to the art project can be left in a very modern way using the comment function. I particularly liked one comment that I would like to pick out here:
"Hallo C64 Redaktion! Ich komme aus dem Jahr 2024! Ich komme um euch zu warnen - hier ist gewaltig was schief gelaufen! Die IBM Dosen sind überall - und künstliche Intelligenz von Computern ersetzt das Denken der Menschen! Die Menschen schauen nur noch auf einen Computer im Telefon das von Apple gebaut wird! Die könnten mit der ganzen Welt kommunizieren - lassen sich aber von Katzenvideos und falschen Nachrichten einlullen! Das Problem ist also nicht Atari - schießt euch mit denen zusammen um die Zukunft zu verändern! Viel Glück!!!
Doc Brown"